Eternal Vessel, a Victoria, B.C- based company, has a unique business importing decorative urns from Indonesia and Vietnam. However, rumours persist that the four partners, Terry and Vicky Ashe and Karen and Todd Dust, are squabbling. Terry Ashe commented, "We have to stop the in-fighting and bury the hatchet,otherwise corporate urnings will suffer. What started out as some mild disagreements has become a matter of life and death and, if unchecked, will turn into a grave matter that will be a very bad urning point in our relationship. This could be the company's kiss of death". Todd Dust, speaking in the dead of the night, countered, "I can dig the fact that the Ashes want to reconcile but I wish they'd take a powder. I've unearthed their plot to get rid of us and that's quite unacceptable tomb me. I don't want to beat a dead horse but, as far as I'm concerned, their proposal is dead in the water". Consultant Ed Vessel analyzed the situation by saying, "Building this business is a monument to both the Ashes' and Dusts' cremativity. They'll have to urn to better communicate with one another, starting Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust".
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