Monday, August 30, 2010

Sonomax Developing A Bionic Ear

Sonomax Technologies Inc., the Canadian hearing protection company, is investing in the development of a bionic ear but so far the pleas for cash have fallen on deaf ears. Sonomax co-founder Lowden Clear, obviously a little wet behind the ears, sounded off, "We can really make some noise in the marketplace with a bionic ear and any investment would be sound as a dollar. For crying out loud, it's discouraging that investors have turned a deaf ear." Clear, never someone to play it by ear, is trying to stirrup some action within the investment community with a plug for his innovative new product and a positive reaction would be music to his ears. Investor Devon Dum, speaking from his office on Canal Street, responded, "It hertz that Clear thinks that his pitch for this bionic ear has failed but the vibrations coming from me are positive and I'm all ears". Sonomax could face a patent issue with respect to its new technology and is awaiting a hearing.

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